Gourmet Food & Wine

Cooking Classes

Many themed courses dedicated to Marche and Italian gastronomic excellences: Slow Food, Organic and Wellness Nutrition. Some of our cooking courses:

  • Bruschetta workshop
  • Brodetto experience
  • typical local desserts
  • Handmade pasta
  • Michelin chef and starred dishes
  • Cooking class in a farm

Tasting the Best Wines in the heart of Italy

Dinners with guided wine tasting with sommeliers and wineries owners who dedicate their lives to preserving ancient traditions and recipes.

Olives and Grapes Harvesting

The olive harvest and the grape harvest are experiences that have their roots in the oldest farming tradition of our country.

Family dinners or in an exclusive location

Live the travel experience like-a-local and eat with locals! Listen to their stories and learn the secrets of  their cuisine, or live a culinary experience in exclusive places in the area.

Farmers for a day

Activities in dairies and farms learning to make jams, participating in fresh cheese production workshops. We also discover farm animals: cows, wild boars, goats and pigs.

Italian Coffee

Workshops and itineraries dedicated to the discovery of Italian espresso and cappuccino but also quality chocolate and ice cream by getting to know bartenders, pastry chefs and historic cafes in the heart of Italy.